Our Story

Just like most brilliant ideas, the Phab Life charity started small(ish) and has grown over the years into the amazing spaces and team it is today!

The Phab Shop (Charity Shop) in Rayleigh was started in 2012 by myself, Jenny. I have worked and volunteered in organisations supporting children and adults with additional needs since I was 14. I could see first-hand how support and opportunities for people with additional needs dropped dramatically once a young person reached 16/18 years of age. Reducing these opportunities leads to less opportunities for socialising and therefore an increased risk of isolation, and a low sense of self-worth as their employability status can be extremely low. This can have a huge impact on a person’s mental health, wellbeing and confidence. I wanted to change that. I wanted to create something that could provide as many opportunities as possible, to as many people as possible without relying on funding to continue running.

Running a charity shop seemed the best idea that would create the most impact. Having never worked in retail or running a business or having any funding, I started The Phab Shop with crossed fingers and a credit card. Within the first year we were running, self-funded, purely through the income of the shop. Today we have over 30 volunteers, with over 95% having additional needs, needing various levels of support from one-to-one support to support being on hand when needed. 

Unlike most opportunities that provide training for people with additional needs, we do not charge for our services. Many of the people who access our training are the ones who ‘fall through the net’ and don’t receive the funding that others receive. We want every person involved in our charity to feel their worth and that they are actively supporting the charity and making a worthwhile contribution to society.

- Jenny (Lead Trustee)

Our Phabulous lot have been writing about what we have been up to!

To see our newsletters please click on the links